Reporting Options


If you are considering Reporting:

The reporting systems can be overwhelming to understand and navigate. There are resources available to you regardless of whether you choose to report the incident(s) or not. CARE has Advocates who can help you understand options, access resources, arrange meetings, and accompany and support you.

You may report to the university, to law enforcement, to both, or neither. It is your choice.

Reporting to the University

If you or the perpetrator of your assault are affiliated with UNL in any way, you may have reporting options through the incident to the University through the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (IEC). When reporting to IEC you will meet with a neutral, fact-finding investigator, commonly known as “Title IX.”

You can talk with IEC to learn more about your options. You have control over what type of report you file, and you are able to change your mind. Regardless of the option you choose, IEC is help with academic accommodations and interim measures after reporting and/or experiencing a traumatic event such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation.

To report to the university:

Contact Institutional Equity and Compliance

Reporting to Law Enforcement

Making a report allows police to conduct an investigation. The length of the investigation will vary depending on the circumstances of the crime. Depending on the location of the crime will depend which Law Enforcement agency will have jurisdiction to take the report.

  • University Police if the crime occurred on campus. You have the option to pursue a criminal investigation, or not.
  • Lincoln Police Department if the crime occurred off campus. You have the option to pursue a criminal investigation, or not.

To report to law enforcement:

Contact the University Police Department

Contact the Lincoln Police Department

CARE Advocates are there to help you understand and navigate the reporting options available, and will support you in the decisions you make. To make an appointment you can call 402-472-3553 or email