The Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education is excited about your interest in volunteering with us. We hope everyone will have a rewarding and positive experience, so answering the following questions can help match your interests and skills with projects and services CARE provides. If you have any questions, send us an email at and we'll get back to you! Chosen Name (First & Last) Email Address Preferred Pronouns What year in your education are you? - None -FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorGraduateDoctoral What major/department are you a part of? Why are you interested in volunteering with CARE? Are you volunteering to fulfill a requirement? - None -YesNo Please explain the requirement, number of hours needed and date by which hours must be completed. What kinds of projects or issues are you interested in working on as a volunteer? Are there any skills, passions or hobbies you would like us to know about that might assist and/or correlate to volunteering? Below are tasks for which CARE may need volunteers. Please select all tasks you'd be interested in helping with. - None -Graphic design work (creating posters, infographics, graphics for us to use)Website content and upkeepSocial media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)Helping set up staffing and eventsMaking bulletin board packetsGeneral office tasks such as organizing and sortingResearching topicsOther (please explain) If you have additional tasks you'd be interested in, please explain below. Volunteer Availability Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday How did you hear about CARE? Leave this field blank Quick Exit