Your Safety and Well-being are Most Important



1) Are you safe? If not, call 911.

2) Do you need medical attention?

Before you go to the hospital or law enforcement: Do you want evidence to be collected? If so, avoid showering or removing clothing to preserve evidence. Your clothing may be kept as evidence, so bring a change of clothing with you.


FacilityDistance from campusHoursEmergency RoomSexual Assault Forensic Exam
University Health CenterOnMon-Tuesday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m.   
Wed-Thursday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.   
Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.   
Saturday, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.   
Sunday, Closed
Bryan West Hospital2 miles24/7XX
Bryan East Hospital4 miles24/7XX


3) Consider speaking with an Advocate

CARE Advocates will help you understand and navigate the resources and reporting options available, and will support you in the decisions you make.

4) Reporting

You may report to the university, to law enforcement, to both, or neither. It is your choice.

How to Report to the University

You can meet with a neutral, fact-finding investigator from Institutional Equity and Compliance (IEC), commonly known as “Title IX”.   

You can talk with IEC to learn more about your options. You have control over what type of report you file, and you are able to change your mind. Reporting options include:

  • Not provide information, not file a formal complaint.
  • Provide information, not file formal complaint.
  • Try to resolve concern through informal resolution.
  • File a formal complaint but remain anonymous.
  • File a formal complaint.

Regardless of the option you select, IEC will provide you with resources and support. Please understand if you choose not to provide information or file a formal complaint, even anonymously, the university may be limited in its ability to respond and take action.

How to Report to Law Enforcement

University Police if the crime occurred on campus. You have the option to pursue a criminal investigation, or not.

Lincoln Police Department if the crime occurred off campus. You have the option to pursue a criminal investigation, or not.