Huskers CARE Peer Educators (HCPE) are UNL undergraduate students passionate about creating positive change. Peer Educators are trained to raise awareness and educate fellow students about power-based violence, university policies, and resources available on campus and in the community. Their primary role is facilitating in-person Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence (SARV) workshops.
Huskers CARE Peer Educator Applications are OPEN for the 2025-26 Academic Year
All UNL undergraduate students who are passionate about ending power-based violence are welcome to apply to become a Peer Educator.
As a Peer Educator you will…
- Engage your peers in conversations about the prevention of power-based violence to promote awareness and spread education throughout the UNL community.
- Develop leadership, public speaking, and communication skills.
- Expand your knowledge around power-based violence prevention and campus resources through ongoing training and development.
- Receive $15/hr during training and when facilitating workshops.
To be eligible for participation as a Peer Educator, you must be:
- Able to attend all specified training sessions
- Comfortable with the CARE mission statement
- An undergraduate student in good disciplinary and academic standing (GPA of 2.5 or above)
- A sophomore, junior, senior (have completed a year as an undergraduate student)
- Be knowledgeable about campus and community resources and services to provide appropriate referrals
- Serve as leaders and ambassadors of the CARE mission and values
- Attend bi-weekly meetings throughout the semester on Thursday evenings from 5-6:30 p.m. (Meetings will start September 25th.)
- Facilitate at least one or two Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence (SARV) workshops per week (there may be an opportunity for more, depending on demand and availability)
Peer Educator Training
Students selected as Peer Educators will attend paid training with the CARE staff prior to facilitating workshops. Attendance at all training dates listed below is mandatory:
- Thursday, August 14th, 5-6pm (Zoom)
- Thursday, August 21st, 5-6pm (Zoom)
- Thursday, August 28th, 5-9pm (In-person)
- Thursday, September 4th, 5-9pm (In-person)
- Sunday, September 7th, 3-8pm (In-person)
- Thursday, September 11th, 5-9pm (In-person)
- Sunday, September 14th, 11am-5pm (Off Campus Retreat)
Upon successful completion of the training, Huskers CARE Peer Educators will be prepared to engage with the campus community and facilitate SARV workshops for incoming first-year and other UNL students.
If you have any questions about the training process or responsibilities, contact Abbey Ragain (she/her), Prevention Program Coordinator, at
March 28, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. CST

Being a peer educator has by far been the most important and impactful position I've held through the impact that we have on our campus and through my own personal development

It fills my bucket to know I am helping make campus a safer place